Matthew Dickson

Head of Projects | Ocean Energy | Project Development


Head of Projects at CorPower Ocean with demonstrated history of working across engineering consultancy, analysis, engineering design and project management in the energy industry. Skilled in offshore project development, program management and client engagement. Responsible for managing a Major Engineering Projects Portfolio across R&D and Commercial Projects.

Graduated with a 1st-class Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Chartered Engineer registered with the Engineering Council of the United Kingdom.

Head of Projects at CorPower Ocean with demonstrated history of working across engineering consultancy, analysis, engineering design and project management in the energy industry. Skilled in offshore project development, program management and client engagement. Responsible for managing a Major Engineering Projects Portfolio across R&D and Commercial Projects.

Graduated with a 1st-class Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Chartered Engineer registered with the Engineering Council of the United Kingdom.

CorPower Ocean – Breakthroughs in our full-scale WEC demonstration program

The CorPower Ocean Wave Energy Converter technology has demonstrated a step-change improvement in structural efficiency in wave energy, allowing a large amount of energy to be delivered by small low-cost devices. The structured product verification demonstration program will bring certified and warrantied WEC products to the market by 2026/2027, allowing customers to build commercial wave arrays using conventional project financing.

Following successful test results though Stage 1 –3 of the structured verification process, several utilities and project developers have joined the Stage 4-5 WEC array demonstration program called “ HiWave-5”. Stage 4 saw successful design and construction of the world’s largest dry-test facility for WECs of its kind rated at 7.2 MW. The test rig was designed and commissioned in collaboration with ABB and enabled CorPower to fully test and de-risk the C4 PTO system prior to ocean deployment. The C4 WEC was then commissioned and operated at the Aguçadoura site during the first ocean deployment period (Q4 2023). The survivability of the C4 WEC was confirmed by weathering four major storms, with waves reaching 18.5m in height (Hmax) and demonstrating ability to re-commence grid power export after each storm passed.

Power production model calibration was successful and indicates higher performance vs model in sea-states tested. Power has been exported to the Portuguese grid up to peak power generation of 600 kW. Strategic collaboration agreements with project developers have been established to deliver the first commercial wave farms. Simply Blue Group and ESB has recently announced the Saoirse Wave Energy project with an initial 4.9MW Phase wave farm installed off the west coast of Ireland.