Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti

Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs

Ministry of National Development Planning

Dr Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti often called ‘Winny’ currently serves as Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs, at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas of the Republic of Indonesia. She was appointed Deputy Minister in December 2020, after her assignment as Senior Advisor to the Minister of National Development Planning for Economy and Financing at the same institution.

In July 2023, she was also appointed as an Acting Chief Statistician/Head of BPS-Statistics Indonesia until now, along with her responsibilities as a Deputy Minister at the Ministry of National Development Planning. She started her career at the Ministry in 1999. She is experienced in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the head of SDGs National Secretariat in 2018-2020.

Her strong interests are in the areas of macroeconomics, international economics, trade and economic development, as well as economic modelling and impact analysis.

Dr Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti often called ‘Winny’ currently serves as Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs, at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas of the Republic of Indonesia. She was appointed Deputy Minister in December 2020, after her assignment as Senior Advisor to the Minister of National Development Planning for Economy and Financing at the same institution.

In July 2023, she was also appointed as an Acting Chief Statistician/Head of BPS-Statistics Indonesia until now, along with her responsibilities as a Deputy Minister at the Ministry of National Development Planning. She started her career at the Ministry in 1999. She is experienced in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the head of SDGs National Secretariat in 2018-2020.

Her strong interests are in the areas of macroeconomics, international economics, trade and economic development, as well as economic modelling and impact analysis.

A Progress of Blue Economy in Indonesia and ASEAN

Blue Economy is the world’s and region’s future economic potentials. With the abundant ocean resources and archipelagic nation, Blue Economy is promising as future engine of economic growth. Indonesia as an archipelagic nation - a close neighbour of Australia - launched the Indonesia’s Blue Economy Roadmap during Indonesia’s chairmanship for ASEAN in 2023. Indonesia perceives that to achieve the Indonesian Vision 2045, which mandates Indonesia to escape from the Middle Income Trap by 2045, requested Indonesia to accelerate its economic growth to 6 – 7 percent on average in the next 20 years. Therefore, Indonesia needs to find new sources of its economic growth and one of them is the Blue Economy. Therefore, Indonesia puts its high priority on the Blue Economy Development in Indonesia for next administration and longer development agenda. Further to this, Indonesia put forward Blue Economy in the ASEAN region, by developing the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework adopted by ASEAN leaders in September 2023. Indonesia is very active in progressing Blue Economy, not only in Indonesia but also in ASEAN and other multilateral cooperation.

In ASEAN 2024, Indonesia and Lao jointly collaborate to progress Blue Economy in ASEAN. The 2nd ASEAN Blue Economy Forum and 1st meeting of ASEAN Coordinating Task Force on Blue Economy has been accomplished.

Indonesia stands ready to collaborate further with Australia and other stakeholders to untap the Blue Economy potentials, as the future engine of economic growth with a more inclusive and sustainable way, not only for Indonesia, but also for the region.